TC series
Compatible with 4M, 1/2″, 1/3″, and 5M, 2/3″ sensors
Large diameter, double telecentric lens

Large aperture standard telecentric lens

The TC12, TC13, and TC23 series are standard type straight-tube double-sided telecentric lenses. The TC12 series supports image sizes of 1/2" (6.4 x 4.8) and has a field of view of 193.94 x 145.45 mm (x 0.033) to 16.62 x 12.47 mm (x 0.385), while the TC13 series supports image sizes of 1/3" (4.8 x 3.6) and has a field of view of 192.0 x 144.0 mm (x 0.025) to 16.55 x 12.41 mm (x 0.290), allowing for a wide range of image capture to suit your needs. The TC23 series supports a maximum image size of 2/3" (8.50 x 7.09) and can obtain a wide range of images from a wide field of view of 229.73 x 191.62 mm (x 0.037) to a narrow field of view of 4.25 x 3.55 mm (x 2.0). This is a double-sided telecentric lens with a rich lineup that is ideal for incorporating into equipment.

  • 1/2" compatible low magnification system lineup from x0.033 to x0.385
  • 1/3" compatible low magnification system lineup from x0.025 to x0.290
  • 2/3" compatible, low magnification x0.037 ~ high magnification x2.0 lineup
  • Optical distortion less than 0.1%
  • With camera mounting direction adjustment function
  • C-mount

Drawings are available from the OptoEngineering website.

Go to the OptoEngineering website

For purchase inquiries, please call 03-5628-5116 or formfrom

  • *This product is manufactured by the Italian lens manufacturer Opto Engineering. We are their distributor in Japan.
  • *Prices of Opto Engineering products are reviewed monthly due to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • *Opto Engineering products are only sold in Japan.

Optical system specifications

Model Optical system specifications
magnification WD Object side resolution Telecentricity typical(max) depth of field Object side NA Effective F value Distortion typical(max) Maximum supported camera image circle
(✕) (mm) (μm) (degree) (mm) (%) (inch) (mm)
TC12016 0.385 43.1 14.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2.8 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC12024 0.255 67.2 21.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 6.4 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC12036 0.177 102.5 29.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 29.0 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/2 8.0
TC12048 0.134 132.9 38.0 < 0.07 (0.10) 38.0 8.0 < 0.06 (0.10) 1/2 8.0
TC12056 0.114 157.8 45.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 45.0 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC12064 0.10 181.8 51.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 51.0 8.0 < 0.04 (0.07) 1/2 8.0
TC12080 0.08 226.7 63.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 64.70 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/2 8.0
TC12096 0.068 278.6 75.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 89.50 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC12120 0.052 334.5 98.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 153.10 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/2 8.0
TC12144 0.044 396.0 115.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 213.80 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC12192 0.033 526.9 154 < 0.06 (0.08) 380.2 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/2 8.0
TC13016 0.290 43.1 18.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 4.90 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/3 6.0
TC13024 0.192 67.2 26.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 11.20 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/3 6.0
TC13036 0.133 102.5 38.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 23.40 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 1/3 6.0
TC13048 0.098 133.4 52.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 43.10 8.0 < 0.06 (0.10) 1/3 6.0
TC13056 0.084 157.8 60.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 58.70 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 1/3 6.0
TC13064 0.074 181.9 69.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 75.60 8.0 < 0.03 (0.07) 1/3 6.0
TC13080 0.059 225.9 86.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 118.90 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 1/3 6.0
TC13096 0.050 279.6 102.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 165.60 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/3 6.0
TC13120 0.038 334.5 134.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 286.70 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/3 6.0
TC13144 0.033 396.0 154.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 380.20 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/3 6.0
TC13192 0.025 527.0 203.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 662.40 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1/3 6.0
TC23004 2.0 56.0 3.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 0.10 11.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23007 1.333 60.1 5.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 0.30 11.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23009 1.00 62.2 7.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 0.60 11.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23012 0.735 53.9 12.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 1.30 14.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23016 0.528 43.1 10.0 < 0.06 (0.10) 1.50 8.0 < 0.04 (0.07) 2/3 11.0
TC23024 0.35 67.2 15.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 3.40 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23036 0.243 102.5 21.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 7.00 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23048 0.184 132.9 28.0 < 0.08 (0.10) 12.20 8.0 < 0.05 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23056 0.157 157.8 32.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 16.80 8.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23064 0.138 181.8 37.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 21.70 8.0 < 0.03 (0.07) 2/3 11.0
TC23072 0.122 226.7 46.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 27.80 8.0 < 0.03 (0.07) 2/3 11.0
TC23080 0.110 226.7 47.9 < 0.04 (0.08) 34.20 8.0 < 0.02 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23085 0.104 279.7 49.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 38.30 8.0 < 0.02 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23096 0.093 278.6 55.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 47.90 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23110 0.079 334.5 64.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 66.30 8.0 < 0.03 (0.07) 2/3 11.0
TC23120 0.072 334.5 70.0 < 0.07 (0.08) 79.90 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23130 0.068 396.0 75.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 89.50 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23144 0.061 396.0 83.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 111.30 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23172 0.051 526.9 100.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 159.20 8.0 < 0.04 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23192 0.046 526.9 110.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 195.70 8.0 < 0.05 (0.08) 2/3 11.0
TC23200 0.044 492.8 115.0 < 0.06 (0.08) 213.80 8.0 < 0.05 (0.10) 2/3 11.0
TC23240 0.037 492.8 137.0 < 0.03 (0.08) 302.40 8.0 < 0.04 (0.08) 2/3 11.0

camera field of view

Model camera field of view
2/3″ (8.50×7.09) 1/1.8″ (7.13×5.33) 1/2″ (6.4×4.8) 1/3″ (4.8×3.6)
TC12016 ø = 18.42 13.50×10.09 16.62×12.47 12.47×9.35
TC12024 ø = 27.80 27.96×20.90 25.10×18.82 18.82×14.12
TC12036 ø = 40.06 40.28×30.11 36.16×27.12 27.12×20.34
TC12048 ø = 52.91 53.21×39.78 47.76×35.82 35.82×26.87
TC12056 ø = 62.19 62.54×46.75 56.14×42.11 42.11×31.58
TC12064 ø = 70.90 71.30×53.30 64.00×48.00 48.00×36.00
TC12080 ø = 88.63 89.13×66.63 80.00×60.00 60.00×45.00
TC12096 ø = 104.26 104.85×78.38 94.12×70.59 70.59×52.94
TC12120 ø = 136.35 137.12×102.50 123.08×92.31 92.31×69.23
TC12144 ø = 161.14 162.05×121.14 145.45×109.09 109.09×81.82
TC12192 ø = 214.85 216.06×161.52 193.94×145.45 145.45×109.09
TC13016 ø = 20.69 ø = 18.38 ø = 16.55 16.55×12.41
TC13024 ø = 31.25 ø = 27.76 ø = 25.00 25.00×18.75
TC13036 ø = 45.11 ø = 40.08 ø = 36.09 36.09×27.07
TC13048 ø = 61.22 ø = 54.39 ø = 48.98 48.98×36.73
TC13056 ø = 71.43 ø = 63.45 ø = 57.14 57.14×42.86
TC13064 ø = 81.08 ø = 72.03 ø = 64.86 64.86×48.65
TC13080 ø = 101.69 ø = 90.34 ø = 81.36 81.36×61.02
TC13096 ø = 120.00 ø = 106.60 ø = 96.00 96.00×72.00
TC13120 ø = 157.89 ø = 140.26 ø = 126.32 126.32×94.74
TC13144 ø = 181.82 ø = 161.52 ø = 145.45 145.45×109.09
TC13192 ø = 240.00 ø = 213.20 ø = 192.00 192.00×144.00
TC23004 4.25×3.55 3.57×2.67 3.20×2.40 2.40×1.80
TC23007 6.38×5.32 5.35×4.00 4.80×3.60 3.60×2.70
TC23009 8.50×7.09 7.13×5.33 6.40×4.80 4.80×3.60
TC23012 11.56×9.65 9.70×7.25 8.71×6.53 6.53×4.90
TC23016 16.10×13.43 13.50×10.09 12.12×9.09 9.09×6.82
TC23024 24.29×20.26 20.37×15.23 18.29×13.71 13.71×10.29
TC23036 34.98×29.18 29.34×21.93 26.34×19.75 19.75×14.81
TC23048 46.20×38.53 38.75×28.97 34.78×26.09 26.09×19.57
TC23056 54.14×45.16 45.41×33.95 40.76×30.57 30.57×22.93
TC23064 61.59×51.38 51.67×38.62 46.38×34.78 34.78×26.09
TC23072 69.67×58.11 58.44×43.69 52.46×39.34 39.34×29.51
TC23080 77.27×64.45 64.82×48.45 58.18×43.64 43.64×32.73
TC23085 81.73×68.17 68.56×51.25 61.54×46.15 46.15×34.62
TC23096 91.40×76.24 76.67×57.31 68.82×51.61 51.61×38.71
TC23110 107.59×89.75 90.25×67.47 81.01×60.76 60.76×45.57
TC23120 118.06×98.47 99.03×74.03 88.89×66.67 66.67×50.00
TC23130 125.00×104.26 104.85×78.38 94.12×70.59 70.59×52.94
TC23144 ø = 181.82 ø = 161.52 ø = 145.45 145.45×109.09
TC23172 166.67×139.02 139.80×104.51 125.49×94.12 94.12×70.59
TC23192 184.78×154.13 155.00×115.87 139.13×104.35 104.35×78.26
TC23200 193.18×161.14 162.05×121.14 145.45×109.09 109.09×81.82
TC23240 229.73×191.62 192.70×144.05 172.97×129.73 129.73×97.30
*The camera field of view is an example.

Appearance specifications

Model O/I length lens shapeφ weight mount
(mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
TC12016 153.6 93.0 37.7 254 C.
TC12024 202.5 117.8 44.0 342 C.
TC12036 265.2 145.2 61.0 456 C.
TC12048 331.9 181.5 75.0 651 C.
TC12056 380.3 205.0 80.0 876 C.
TC12064 425.2 225.9 100.0 979 C.
TC12080 515.7 271.5 116.0 1411 C.
TC12096 613.1 317.0 143.0 2215 C.
TC12120 754.7 402.7 180.0 4666 C.
TC12144 875.6 462.1 200.0 5799 C.
TC12192 1147.0 602.6 260.0 9848 C.
TC13016 141.5 80.9 37.7 234 C.
TC13024 190.3 105.6 44.0 326 C.
TC13036 253.0 133.0 61.0 436 C.
TC13048 318.8 167.9 75.0 622 C.
TC13056 366.8 191.5 80.0 819 C.
TC13064 411.7 212.3 100.0 919 C.
TC13080 502.6 259.2 116.0 1393 C.
TC13096 600.4 303.3 143.0 2197 C.
TC13120 750.1 398.1 180.0 4640 C.
TC13144 862.3 448.8 200.0 5779 C.
TC13192 1142.7 598.2 260.0 9830 C.
TC23004 174.9 101.4 28.0 202 C.
TC23007 156.1 78.5 28.0 183 C.
TC23009 144.7 65.0 28.0 168 C.
TC23012 131.7 60.3 28.0 164 C.
TC23016 173.3 112.7 37.7 301 C.
TC23024 222.2 137.5 44.0 389 C.
TC23036 284.9 164.9 61.0 503 C.
TC23048 351.4 201.0 75.0 698 C.
TC23056 400.3 225.0 80.0 924 C.
TC23064 444.8 245.5 100.0 1026 C.
TC23072 543.4 299.2 116.0 1480 C.
TC23080 535.4 291.2 116.0 1458 C.
TC23085 641.7 344.5 143.0 2283 C.
TC23096 632.7 336.6 143.0 2262 C.
TC23110 782.4 430.4 180.0 4734 C.
TC23120 774.4 422.4 180.0 4720 C.
TC23130 903.5 490.0 200.0 5868 C.
TC23144 895.4 481.9 200.0 5853 C.
TC23172 1174.7 630.3 260.0 9916 C.
TC23192 1166.7 622.3 260.0 9902 C.
TC23200 1302.3 792.0 322.0 18274 C.
TC23240 1285.4 775.1 322.0 18271 C.