PC series
360° special optical system Pericentric lens for visual inspection

Pericentric lens that achieves a 360° field of view with just one camera

The PC pericentric lens is a lens that can capture images of the outer surface and top of a maximum φ60 x 20mmD workpiece from 360° with a single camera. A single pericentric lens provides the magnification and depth of field needed to capture all the information about your workpiece while eliminating the unnecessarily complex setups of traditional mirrors and multiple camera systems. Offers. The name "pericentric" comes from the specific path of light rays. The image acquired is a side view surrounding the top side, making this PC series ideal for inspection applications on cylindrical workpieces common in industries such as beverages and pharmaceuticals.
Proposal of the most suitable lens for outer surface inspection of cylindrical containers such as PET bottles

What is a pericentric lens?

By placing the entrance pupil position closer to the object side than the front lens surface, it is possible to focus on the top and sides of the subject (object plane) at the same time.

Drawings are available from the OptoEngineering website.

Go to the OptoEngineering website

For purchase inquiries, please call 03-5628-5116 or formfrom

  • *This product is manufactured by the Italian lens manufacturer Opto Engineering. We are their distributor in Japan.
  • *Prices of Opto Engineering products are reviewed monthly due to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • *Opto Engineering products are only sold in Japan.

sample image

Difference between PC series and PCCD series

Optical system specifications

Model Optical system specifications
Compatible camera Minimum field of view (diameter x height) Normal field of view (diameter x height) Maximum field of view (diameter x height) wavelength range WD F value
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (nm) (mm)
PC13030HP 1/3 20×60 30×30 60×20 450-650 20-80 4 to 16
PC12030HP 1/2 20×60 30×30 60×20 450-650 20-80 6 to 24
PC13030XS 1/3 7.5×5.0 30×30 55×20 450-650 20-85 4 to 16
PC12030XS 1/2 10×5.0 30×30 55×15 450-650 20-80 8–18
PC23030XS 2/3 15×5.0 30×30 55×12 450-650 20-80 8-16

Appearance specifications

Model Appearance specifications
diameter length weight mount
(mm) (mm) (g)
PC13030HP 157 455.2 6673 C.
PC12030HP 157 451.5 6667 C.
PC13030XS 116 385.3 2955 C.
PC12030XS 116 381.6 2947 C.
PC23030XS 116 381.1 2952 C.

PC13030HP real field of view

Workpiece diameter View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 7 79 16 13 79 8 20 65 16 30 61 12 40 55 14 60 25 16
25 8 71 4 17 63 12 25 55 16 38 40 14 50 30 16
30 10 65 4 20 55 8 30 42 12 45 35 12
40 13 52 6 27 43 12 40 27 12
50 17 36 6 33 20 8
60 20 23 4

PC12030HP real field of view

Workpiece diameter View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 7 76 16 13 70 24 20 65 24 30 55 16 40 45 24 60 27 24
25 8 72 12 17 63 12 25 54 16 38 40 16 50 29 16
30 10 66 12 20 56 12 30 45 16 45 30 16
40 13 54 6 27 36 16 40 27 24
50 17 32 12 33 20 16
60 20 22 12

PC13030XS real field of view

Workpiece diameter View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
7.5 5 85 16
10 5 84 16 10 77 16
15 5 75 6 10 70 8 15 65 16 20 60 16 25 54 16 32 45 16
20 10 62 8 20 52 14 30 42 14 40 32 16
25 5 62 6 15 52 12 25 42 12 35 32 12 45 22 12
30 10 52 4 20 42 8 30 32 8 40 22 16 50 12 16
35 5 48 4 15 38 4 25 28 8 35 18 8 42 10 12
40 10 38 4 20 28 4 30 20 8 37 10 16
45 5 34 6 15 30 6 25 20 8 35 10 16
50 5 25 4 15 20 6 25 10 8
55 10 20 6 20 10 8

PC12030XS real field of view

Workpiece diameter View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
10 5 82 18
15 5 73 16 15 63 16
20 5 66 16 10 61 16 20 51 16
25 10 56 12 20 46 16 30 36 16
30 10 48 8 20 38 16 30 28 16 40 18 16
35 5 48 12 15 38 12 25 28 12 35 18 16
40 10 37 14 20 27 16 30 17 16
45 10 32 8 20 22 8 30 12 16
50 10 25 10 20 15 16
55 5 23 16 15 13 16

PC23030XS real field of view

Workpiece diameter View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value View range height WD Settings Effective F value
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
15 5 78 8 15 68 16
20 10 62 16 20 52 16
25 10 57 8 20 47 12 30 37 16
30 15 45 8 25 35 12 35 25 16
35 10 45 16 15 40 16 25 30 16 45 13 16
40 10 38 12 20 30 12 30 20 16
45 10 33 16 20 23 16
50 10 25 16 20 15 16
55 12 12 16