OPKE16 series
OPKE16 SERIES Line scan lens for up to 16K (82mm) High-definition lens for 12K/16K

  • Image sensor 12K/66mm/5μm compatible: x0.26 to x1.0
  • Image sensor 16M/82mm/5μm compatible: x0.26 to x3.0
  • low distortion
  • variable aperture
  • Body V mount (Various mounts supported)

For purchase inquiries, please call 03-5628-5116 or formfrom



Model optical magnification F value NAMore distortion Object-to-image distance working distance weight image circle
optics TV
(X) (%) (%) (mm) (mm) (g) φ(mm)
OPKE16-026 0.26 4.2 0.025 0.015 0.007 672.16 497.85 390 66
OPKE16-026A 0.26 3.8 0.0272 0.001 0.0003 874.3 663.34 399.38 82
OPKE16-033 0.33 4.2 0.03 0.003 0.001 595 412 362 66
OPKE16-033A 0.33 4 0.031 0.005 0.0017 757.63 534.64 489.43 82
OPKE16-042 0.42 3.8 0.039 0.007 0.004 530.1 339.74 360 66
OPKE16-050 0.5 3.8 0.044 0.0025 0.0008 496 296.9 366 66
OPKE16-050A 0.5 4 0.0417 0.002 0.0007 636.99 390.66 490.25 82
OPKE16-062C 0.625 3.8 0.051 0.003 0.001 458.9 249.7 332.68 82
OPKE16-067 0.67 3.8 0.053 0.31 0.1 453.4 237.4 368 66
OPKE16-070 0.7 3.8 0.054 0.0009 0.0003 447.2 229.4 366 66
OPKE16-075 0.75 3.8 0.057 0.0025 0.0008 444.8 220.8 368 66
OPKE16-083A 0.83 3.8 0.06 0.008 0.0027 437.1 204.1 329.11 82
OPKE16-100 1 3.5 0.072 0.0015 0.0005 439.45 184.16 362 66
OPKE16-133 1.33 3.8 0.074 0.0009 0.0003 444.5 156.3 368 82
OPKE16-150 1.5 3.8 0.08 0.25 0.08 453.7 143.9 366 82
OPKE16-170 1.7 3.8 0.08 0.15 0.05 470 137.8 366 82
OPKE16-200 2 3.8 0.087 0.0025 0.0008 496 127.2 366 82
OPKE16-300 3 4.2 0.09 0.003 0.001 591.3 111.4 368 82

Image Circle Compatibility Chart

number of pixels element length OPKE16-026,OPKE16-033 OPKE16-050,OPKE16-067 OPKE16-070,OPKE16-075 OPKE16-100,OPKE16-150 OPKE16-133, OPKE16-170 OPKE16-200, OPKE16-300
2,048 20.48mm
2,048 28.67mm
4,096 20.48mm
4,096 28.67mm
4,096 40.96mm
8,192 40.96mm
8,192 57.34mm
12,288 61.44mm
12,288 86.02mm
16,384 81.92mm

Corresponding mount

Dalsa P3 (M72)

Lens conversion tube and mount for line sensor

The OPKE16 series (13 models in total) can be sold as a body (V mount) only, or as a joint with various holders and mounts as shown in the photo. Please use it according to the mount of the camera to be used.