TC4K series
Compatible with line scan cameras
flat telecentric lens

Flat telecentric lens for 4k line scan cameras

  • 2K×10μm 20.5mm line sensor compatible
  • 4K×7μm 28.7mm line sensor compatible
  • ×0.16・×0.24・×0.32・×0.48 4 models
  • WD is 174.00mm and 254.00mm (×0.16 only) with an emphasis on workability
  • Object side telecentric lens design
  • With magnification fine adjustment function
  • Mount can be selected from F or M42 x P1.0

Drawings are available from the OptoEngineering website.

Go to the OptoEngineering website

For purchase inquiries, please call 03-5628-5116 or formfrom

  • *This product is manufactured by the Italian lens manufacturer Opto Engineering. We are their distributor in Japan.
  • *Prices of Opto Engineering products are reviewed monthly due to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • *Opto Engineering products are only sold in Japan.

Optical system specifications

Model Optical system specifications
magnification WD maximum
F/N telecentricity
typical (max)
typical (max)
field of view
(✕) (mm) (φmm)   (deg) (%) (mm) (%)
TC4K060-F 0.48 174.0 28.7 16 0.06(0.10) 0.05(0.08) 7.3 > 30
TC4K060-N 0.48 174.0 28.7 16 0.06(0.10) 0.05(0.08) 7.3 > 30
TC4K090-F 0.32 174.0 28.7 16 0.05(0.10) 0.05(0.08) 16.4 > 30
TC4K090-N 0.32 174.0 28.7 16 0.05(0.10) 0.05(0.08) 16.4 > 30
TC4K120-F 0.24 174.0 28.7 16 0.10(0.12) 0.08(0.10) 29.2 > 30
TC4K120-N 0.24 174.0 28.7 16 0.10(0.12) 0.08(0.10) 29.2 > 30
TC4K180-F 0.16 254.0 28.7 16 0.08(0.10) 0.08(0.10) 65.6 > 30
TC4K180-N 0.16 254.0 28.7 16 0.08(0.10) 0.08(0.10) 65.6 > 30
  • *The general tolerance for magnification and WD is specified as ±5%. FB of M42P1.0: 10.56mm

Line sensor camera field of view

Model Line sensor camera field of view
TC4K060-F 42.8 60.0
TC4K060-N 42.8 60.0
TC4K090-F 64.3 90.0
TC4K090-N 64.3 90.0
TC4K120-F 85.4 119.6
TC4K120-N 85.4 119.6
TC4K180-F 128.6 180.0
TC4K180-N 128.6 180.0

Appearance specifications

Model Appearance specifications
flange back length width Maximum outer diameter mount
(mm) (mm) (mm) (φmm)  
TC4K060-F 46.5 319.2 83 64 F.
TC4K060-N 10.6 355.2 83 52 M42P1.0
TC4K090-F 46.5 360.7 114 64 F.
TC4K090-N 10.6 396.6 11 52 M42P1.0
TC4K120-F 46.5 337.3 144 64 F.
TC4K120-N 10.6 373.2 144 52 M42P1.0
TC4K180-F 46.5 522.4 208 64 F.
TC4K180-N 10.6 558.4 208 52 M42P1.0