TCL series
Both sides telecentric lens 90° side view specification/Space-saving (optional)

It can be improved to 90° side view from the coaxial epi-illumination part.

In the case of a double telecentric lens, the overall lens length is longer than that of a normal optical system due to its structure. If the lens cannot be installed as is due to dimensional constraints on the device on which it is mounted, we offer an option to improve the coaxial illumination part to a 90° side view. Not only the coaxial illumination type, but also the straight type and polarized type can support 90° side viewing. Please contact us if you have dimensional constraints.
Compact inspection space using telecentric lenses

Telecentric lens required for FA and machine vision

For purchase inquiries, please call 03-5628-5116 or formfrom

Place a mirror in the middle of the lens and bend it 90 degrees


Model number for improved 90° side view type

Standard product model number 90° side view type improved model number
TCL0200F (coaxial epi-illumination type) TCL0200-F-90
TCL0300-F-PL (coaxial polarization specification) TCL0300-F-PL-90