Optical component Mirror Prism Prism mirror

We introduce various optical components that can be used to arrange the optical path of lenses in various ways. These are mainly products made from processed optical glass, but we can also manufacture them from resin materials upon request. The specifications listed are the standard specifications. If you would like different specifications, please contact our sales department. If you would like specifications other than the ones listed, please contact our sales department.

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aluminum flat mirror

This is a basic mirror made by coating one side of a flat glass substrate with a reflective aluminum film. In addition to square and round shapes, we can also make irregular square, oval, holed, stepped and other shapes.

coat Aluminum + SiO (protective film)
reflectance 45° incidence 85% or more (visible range)
Surface accuracy λ (effective area 80%)
Parallelism within 3 minutes
Dimensional tolerance Outer diameter +0/-0.2 Plate thickness ±0.15
Material Whiteboard
Model size thickness
(mm) (mm)
AM-5 5×5 1
AM-10 10×10 1
AM-30 30×30 2
AM-50 50×50 3
AM-100 100×100 3

right angle prism

This type does not have a reflective coating. A light source that is perpendicularly incident on a right-angled surface is totally reflected by the inclined surface and emerges from the other right-angled surface. When the material is S-BSL7, total reflection occurs when the angle of incidence of the light on the inclined surface is 41° or more. It is possible to change the material, size, and add a coating.

Surface accuracy λ/2
angle tolerance within 5 minutes
Dimensional tolerance A,B ±0.2 C +0.1/-0.3
Material S-BSL7
Model size
P-5 5×5×5
P-10 10×10×10
P-15 15×15×15
P-20 20×20×20
P-25 25×25×25

Rectangular prism One-sided (slanted) mirror

This type has an aluminum reflective coating on the slope of the right-angle prism. There is a range of surface reflections and incident angles on the slope.

Used for internal reflection when total reflection does not occur on the slope. Materials, sizes, and coatings can be changed or added.

coat Aluminum + SiO (protective film)
reflectance 85% or more at 45° incidence (visible range)
Surface accuracy λ/2
angle tolerance within 5 minutes
Dimensional tolerance A, B ±0.2 C +0.1/-0.3
Material S-BSL7
Model size
PM1-5 5×5×5
PM1-10 10×10×10
PM1-15 15×15×15
PM1-20 20×20×20
PM1-25 25×25×25

Right-angle prism Two-sided mirror

This type of right-angle prism has two right-angle faces coated with an aluminum reflective film. It is used to split the light path into left and right directions by surface reflection, and to fold it back 180 degrees by internal reflection. It is possible to change the material, size, and coating or add new ones.

coat Aluminum + SiO (protective film)
reflectance 85% or more at 45° incidence (visible range)
Surface accuracy λ/2
angle tolerance within 5 minutes
Dimensional tolerance A, B ±0.2 C +0.1/-0.3
Material S-BSL7
Model size
PM2-5 5×5×5
PM2-10 10×10×10
PM2-15 15×15×15
PM2-20 20×20×20
PM2-25 25×25×25

beam splitter

This type consists of two right-angle prisms glued together at their inclined surfaces. The inclined surfaces are coated with a semi-permeable membrane and are used to branch and combine light paths. The material, size, and transmission/reflection characteristics can be changed.

coat Dielectric multilayer film R:T=50:50
Surface accuracy λ/2
angle tolerance Within 5 minutes 4-sided AR multi-coating
Dimensional tolerance A・B・C (common) +0.1/-0.3
Model size
BS-10 10×10×10
BS-15 15×15×15
BS-20 20×20×20
BS-25 25×25×25

Half Mirror

This type has a semi-permeable film coated on one side of a flat glass substrate and an anti-reflection (AR) film coated on the other side. It is used to split and combine optical paths. The semi-permeable film is available in dielectric multi-layer and metal film types. The material, size, and transmission and reflection characteristics can be changed.

coat Dielectric multilayer or metal film
Surface accuracy λ (effective area 80%)
Parallelism within 3 minutes
Dimensional tolerance Outer diameter +0/-0.2 Plate thickness ±0.15
Material Whiteboard
Dielectric multilayer film type
Model size thickness
(mm) (mm)
HY-1-30 30×30 1
HY-1-50 50×50 1
HY-1-100 100×100 1
HY-2-30 30×30 2
HY-2-50 50×50 2
HY-2-100 100×100 2
Metal Film Type
Model size thickness
(mm) (mm)
HI-1-30 30×30 1
HI-1-50 50×50 1
HI-1-100 100×100 1
HI-2-30 30×30 2
HI-2-50 50×50 2
HI-2-100 100×100 2

glass window

Surface accuracy λ (effective area 80%)
Parallelism within 3 minutes
Dimensional tolerance Outer diameter +0/-0.1 Plate thickness ±0.15
Material crown
Model size thickness
(mm) (t)
GW-10 φ10 2
GW-20 φ20 2
GW-30 φ30 2
GW-40 φ40 2
GW-50 φ50 2
  • *Thickness (t) = 1mm is also available.

diffusion plate

Abrasives are used to roughen the surface and create a diffusion effect for lighting, focusing glass, etc. In addition to square and round shapes, irregular square, oval, perforated, stepped, etc. are also possible. The degree of diffusion can be changed by changing the type of abrasive. There are two types: single-sided diffusion and double-sided diffusion.

Surface accuracy λ (Effective area 80%) Accuracy of base material
Parallelism within 3 minutes
Dimensional tolerance Outer diameter +0/−0.1 Plate thickness ±0.15
Material crown
single-sided diffusion
Model size thickness
(mm) (mm)
KS-10 φ10 2
KS-20 φ20 2
KS-30 φ30 2
KS-40 φ40 2
KS-50 φ50 2
double sided diffusion
Model size thickness
(mm) (mm)
WS-10 φ10 2
WS-20 φ20 2
WS-30 φ30 2
WS-40 φ40 2
WS-50 φ50 2

Polarizing element

An optical element that affects the polarization characteristics of incoming and outgoing light.

structure Films of each function are sandwiched and bonded with optically polished glass
Surface accuracy λ (effective area 80%)
Dimensional tolerance Outer diameter +0.1/-0.2 Plate thickness ±0.3
AR coat none
Material crown

-Polarizing plate: Allows only linearly polarized light to pass through from light with random vibration planes such as natural light.

・1/4 wave plate When linearly polarized light is incident at a 45° angle to the optical axis, it exits as circularly polarized light.

・Half-wave plateWhen linearly polarized light is incident at an angle of θ to the optical axis, it is rotated by 2θ and emitted. Since this angle is continuously maintained, rotating the half-wave plate allows the direction of polarization of the emitted light to be continuously rotated.

Model size thickness kinds
(mm) (mm)
PO-10 φ10 2.5 Polarizer
PO-20 φ20 2.5 Polarizer
PO-30 φ30 2.5 Polarizer
PO-50 φ50 3 Polarizer
RE4-10 φ10 4 quarter-wave plate
RE4-20 φ20 4 quarter-wave plate
RE4-30 φ30 4 quarter-wave plate
RE2-10 φ10 4 half-wave plate
RE2-20 φ20 4 half-wave plate
RE2-30 φ30 4 half-wave plate