

Tokyo Skytree Observation Diary 2011.03.25 (Height reached 634m)

© M.SA

Date of photo: 2011.03.25 (8:56).JPG
This is the Skytree as seen across the intersection of Kuramaebashi-dori in front of our company.
Date of photo: 2011.03.25 (8:56).JPG
It was a sunny day today. The base of the gain tower looks thin, so it looks a bit unstable.
Date of photo: 2011.03.25 (8:56).JPG
This is the vibration control device at the top of the Gain Tower and the group of digital antennas below it. According to the announcement on the official website, the height of 634mm is the height of the tip of the lightning rod. Generally, lightning rods are not considered part of a building, and the height of the top of other structures is considered the height of the building. If you enlarge the image further, you can see that the tip of the lightning rod has something like a wind speed and vane attached to it.
Date of photo: 2011.03.25 (8:56).JPG
This is the area around the first observation deck. The other day, there was a special program about Skytree, and while I was watching it, a CG image of the first observation deck was shown. The exterior was the same as this photo, but the terminals at the beginning and end of the skywalk were different in shape from Square World in Nikko. I uploaded the photo on the 23rd.
Date of shooting.2011.03.25(8:56).Jpg
This is between the second and first observation decks. There are protruding decks on all four sides of the tower pillar structure.
Date of photo: 2011.03.25 (8:56).JPG
This is the first observation deck. The exterior looks almost complete.