Tokyo Skytree Observation Diary 2011.01.26
© M.SA

photographdate: 2011.01.26 (09:20)
The orange cement basket-like box that was on the roof of the second observation deck was removed on the 24th. Although the lift-up was completed the day before yesterday, the installation of the 5th digital antenna group has not yet started. The horizontal arm lift that is usually used for antenna installation is nowhere to be seen. It seems that a slightly different work than usual has begun.

photographdate: 2011.01.26 (09:20)
Installation of the fifth antenna has not yet begun.
The horizontal arm that is always used when setting up an antenna (see photo taken on 14/1/2011 (9:40am)) has also not appeared.
Installation of the fifth antenna has not yet begun.
The horizontal arm that is always used when setting up an antenna (see photo taken on 14/1/2011 (9:40am)) has also not appeared.