

Tokyo Skytree Observation Diary 2011.01.13

© M.SA


Skytree oil painting


photographdate: 2011.01.13 (12:20)
The current temperature is 7°C. The wind is a little strong, so it feels like the temperature of the day before yesterday. The current height is 549m, which makes it the third tallest freestanding radio tower in the world after the Guangzhou Tower in China (600m) and the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada (553m). It is scheduled to surpass the CN Tower in late February.


photographdate: 2011.01.13 (12:20)
The scaffolding for the third antenna has appeared. It will be completed within the day. The workers are wearing orange work clothes today. They are probably wearing winter clothes. The next lift-up is expected to happen as early as tomorrow evening.